Can provide feedback on the following equipment:
  • Cage incubator
  • Stage Top Incubator
  • Centralized CO2 Mixer
  • Active Humidity Controller
  • NIS integration

University of California, 600 16th Street, Genentech Hall Room S252, San Francisco UNITED STATES

Phone: 234524352435

Mail: Delaine.larsen[at]ucsf[dot]edu


Harvard Medical School

Can provide feedback on the following equipment:
  • Cage incubator
  • Stage Top Incubator
  • Heating and Cooling Stage Top Incubator
  • Centralized CO2 Mixer
  • Active Humidity Controller
  • Metamorph journals

Harvard Medical School, Department of Cell Biology, 240 Longwood Ave., LHRRB 113, Boston UNITED STATES

Phone: (617) 432-3542

Mail: jennifer_waters[at]hms.harvard[dot]edu
